Bingショッピングツール | Midjourney動画作成 | AI未来検討会出演



・⚡ Bingの新ショッピングツール
🔉 Midjourney, CapCut, Online Convert.comを使った動画作成
🤖 ChatGPTプロンプト:コンテンツ戦略作成
🤑 AI未来検討会に出演します
📓 6月に達成したことまとめ



「Buying Guides」は、カテゴリごとに適切な商品を提案し、比較テーブルを表示します。チャット機能では、ヘッドフォンの購入に関する要点や他の人のレビューを要約して提供します。Price MatchやPrice Comparisonなどの機能は、最適な価格を見つけるのに役立ちます。Package Tracking機能は、購入した商品の追跡を簡単に行えます。



🔉Midjourney, CapCut, Online Convert.comを使った動画作成




🤖 ChatGPTプロンプト:コンテンツ戦略作成


I want you to create a Content Strategy for me.

A Content Strategy is a document that describes a brand’s social media strategy so it know what to create content around - and what not.

It’s like a North Star for the brand’s content: it’s specific enough to serve as a guiding and reassuring document, but vague enough to leave some room for intepretation.

The brand I want you to create a Content Strategy for is [AI情報を発信するメルマガ],

To create a content strategy, I want you to imagine a Content Strategy Matrix with an x and y axis. 

## On the x axis, you have the 3 proven content types:

1 Growth content - to get eyeballs

This is the type of content that goes viral on social media all the time.

It’s contains relatively basic information, doesn’t provide any unique value, but that’s precisely why it works so well:

It’s beginner-friendly content that promises a “quick fix”.

2 Knowledge content - to get fans

Knowledge content educates your audience on something specific.

This actionable and informational content teaches your reader one of 2 things:

a) How to get something they really desire 

b) How to avoid something they really don’t like 

This content works because when you you solve people’s problems, they start liking you.

3 Authority content - to get rizz

Authority content makes your audience trust your expertise.

Because even if someone knows & likes you, they won’t buy from you unless they trust in your ability to help them.

Common ways to do this are:

* Sharing testimonials
* Sharing achievements
* Sharing other social proof
* Sharing extremely-specific knowledge content

## on the y axis, you have my 3 content buckets, the things I talk about:

1 [画像生成AI]
2 [ChatGPT]
3 [Kindle出版]


Now, I want you to create a Content Strategy by filling out the matrix.

Fill out the matrix by applying each of the 3 proven content formats from the x axis  to the 3 content buckets on the y axis.

The output should be formatted in a table, so that each resulting matrix field has a **bolded** headline describing it, with 2 sentences below explaining the component of the content strategy.


🤑 AI未来検討会に出演します


7/5(水曜日)21:00 開催です。


📓 6月にやったことまとめ




もしこのメルマガが有益だと思ったらぜひTwitterで感想をお願いします 🙏 

